The Northern Ireland survey is live
N.Ireland April 29 2021 Laura Crawford

The Northern Ireland survey went live mid-April. The survey is a key component of the broader Mobilising Voluntary Action project which seeks to study volunteering responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the four nations that make up the UK. The data collected will be used to conduct analysis specific to each nation alongside an integrated UK wide analysis at the end of the project.
The Northern Ireland survey asks for insights from a range of organisations including Local councils, Health and Social Care Trusts and infrastructure organisations. The questions seek to understand how the volunteering response to the pandemic has been coordinated and how the volunteering response varied over the course of the pandemic. The findings will help gauge how organisations are responding to the challenges they face as we move towards recovery and the support that will be required from other stakeholders. This knowledge will help build a broad evidence base of experiences and shared leanings which will help inform recovery and future pandemic preparedness.
The survey has been designed and developed by the Mobilising Voluntary Action team with support from the project advisory panel, special thanks to Wendy Osborne from the International Association for Volunteer Effort for her contribution to the project.
The findings will be shared on the website and through virtual briefing events. Keep an eye on our project website and social media to sign up for events.