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Podcast series: Episode 3- Student Volunteering

Podcasts     All Locations     July 20 2021

This podcast considers the impact of the pandemic on student volunteering within a higher education setting. The discussion focuses on the experiences of Alex Marlowe (Welfare and Diversity Executive Officer) and Jodie Evans (Action Chair) from Loughborough Students’ Union (LSU). As Alex aptly states, “We are a Students’ Union, and everything we do is volunteering”, as such LSU provides a perfect case study to explore adaptations to volunteering as a result of the pandemic.  During the podcast Jodie shares her experiences spearheading the COVID Community Champions Scheme which was designed to provide support for students in self isolation. Alex also shares his thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on student wellbeing and considers how the adaptations to volunteering have enabled the inclusion of different groups of students.

A huge thanks to them both for sharing their experiences.

  • Please note, this podcast was recorded in April 2021.